Mir Gazanfar Ali Zaki, General Secretary of Saudi Indian Business Network (SIBN), under the patronage of Consulate General of India, Jeddah, received Momento of Appreciation from H.E. Ahmad Javed, Ambassador of India, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia & Patron of SIBN and H.E. Md. Noor Rahman Sheikh, Consul General of India, Jeddah, K.S.A. & Vice-Patron of SIBN, for his Outstanding Contribution in organizing Trade Events, Seminars, Symposiums, Indian Food Festival, India @ 70 states programs, Trade delegations to India and Promoting Business Relations between two Countries Kingdom of Saudi Arabia & India. At Elaf Galleria, Jeddah, K.S.A.
Gazanfar Ali Zaki awarded for outstanding contribution in organizing trade events