Mumbai: Bigg Boss 7 winner Gauahar Khan who entered the Bigg Boss 14 house as a Toofani Senior is winning hearts and being loved by fans for being fair and righteous on the show. If the latest reports and rumours are to be believed, Gauahar is expected to tie knot with her long time beau Zaid Darbar.
In one of the episodes of Bigg Boss 14, Gauahar Khan was heard telling Rahul Vaidya that she’s is taken and will be getting married this year.
Who is Zaid Darbar?
Zaid is a choreographer and son of music composer Ismail Darbar. Both he and Gauahar often share their candid pictures on Instagram. He was also a part of her birthday party in lockdown.
Zaid comments on his relationship with Gauahar Khan
Gauahar Khan and Zaid Darbar are rumoured to be in a relationship but are yet to confirm the same. Speaking about the same, Zaid said, We are just family friends, if there is anything we won’t hide, it will come out. Just wait for some time, we will tell everyone whatever it is”.
While speaking to Times Of India, the choreographer-social media influencer Zaid Darbar also opened up about how much he is missing her. “I am missing her and it’s been long I haven’t heard her voice personally. I am waiting for her”, he said.
He also mentioned that he has introduced Gauahar Khana to his parents and his entire family is very fond of her and his younger sister even wants to be like her.
Reacting to Eijaz’s confession that he has a crush on Gauahar Khan, Zaid told Times of India, “I did not feel possessive at all. In fact, I wanted him to realise a few more qualities of Gauahar because I know she is too good. I think the more she will stay inside the house, the more they will realise her qualities. There are two ways of looking at it, if I think in a negative way that can make me possessive but if I am feeling positive, I will definitely feel nice about it. Unki khoobiyaan humse achcha bhala kaun jaanega (who knows her better than me).”
Gauahar Khan entered the Bigg Boss 14 house as a Toofani Senior along with Siddhart Shukla and Hina Khan. Speaking about her performance, Zaid Darbar said, “From the viewers point of view she was the best. People actually enjoyed watching and it was hilarious and entertaining. Gauahar is full of entertainment (woh cheez unmein bhar bhar ke hai)”.
Both Gauahar Khan and Zaid Darbar only gave hints about their wedding and further plans. However, there’s no official confirmation regarding the same.