New Delhi: The Shiv Sena accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday for hiding poverty by building a wall. The wall will hide slums along the route of President Donald Trump who is scheduled to visit India on 24th February.
Indira Gandhi’s slogan
“There was a time when Indira Gandhi’s slogan ‘Garibi Hatao’ was criticized, but it appears the new agenda is ‘Garibi Chupao’”, Sena said in its mouthpiece Saamana.
“Trump’s visit is scheduled for three hours, but the preparations for it are costing the country’s exchequer Rs 100 crores, including making of 17 roads in Ahmedabad, and building walls on these roads,” Saamana has said.
Saamana said, “Narendra Modi is the biggest endorser of development. Nobody developed the country before him, and no one will develop the country after him. When he was the Chief Minister of Gujarat for 15 years and the Prime Minister of India for five years, why has it come to this that poverty needs to be concealed?”
Trump is scheduled to visit the famous Sabarmati Ashram on 24th February to take part in a 22-km-long roadshow with Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
The two leaders will inaugurate a new cricket stadium in Motera.