Hyderabad: Gangster Nayeem who was killed in an encounter by the Telangana police has returned to haunt them. No, his ghost has not shown up, but his past connections with the Telangana police are giving the cops sleepless nights. Investigations in Gangster Nayeem’s case took new turn, when an IPS officer who served on the post of additional DGP suddenly went absconding. He had worked in Special Intelligence Bureau (SIB) for two and a half years. He had used Nayeem as informer to tackle Naxalites. Meanwhile he came so close to Nayeem that, he played important role in land dealings, land occupation and removing the encroachment. He obtained several acres of land in Hyderabad outskirts. With the breakthrough in Nayeem’s case the retd. IPS went absconding in fear of arrest.
Besides the five police officers who have been suspended for having links with Maoist-turned-gangster Mohammed Nayeemuddin and are facing oral enquiry, other cops associated with Nayeem are also searching ways to escape enquiries.
According to reliable sources the retd. IPS officer bought lands in Rangareddy district, bungalows in Hyderabad and Delhi with the blessings of the gangster. Instead of registering the said property in his name the officer registered it in the name of his brother in law. Now fearing enquiry he has gone absconding.