Kanpur: Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Thursday visited the Ganga Barrage and said that the river was much cleaner today due to the Namami Gange program.
“The Namami Gange program was started and given momentum by Prime Minister Narendra Modiji to clean the river Ganga which is considered equivalent to a mother in India. I thank Narendra Modiji for starting this movement in the country which has led to a much cleaner river, the fish have started being found again in the dead zones here,” Adityanath told reporters here.
Adityanath added that the closure of sewers and drains, which used to add pollutants in the rivers, was making a remarkable difference in the water body’s condition.
“Today we are standing near the Sisamau sewer, which once was the biggest sewer drain in the whole of Asia and the whole waste of Kanpur used to fall into the river. The whole river used to become black beyond this point due to the sewage but now the situation is much better,” he said.
“Dozens of such sewers have been taped off leading to a much better condition of the river in Uttar Pradesh and the lower areas to which it flows,” Adityanath added.