Ganga Jumni tahzeeb: Logical Indian and a good Human being

“While returning from office on my bike today, I suddenly ran out of petrol, stopped exactly in front of this man Mr. Merajuddin Syed, a traffic cop of ASI rank, who was on duty.


He came to me and got to know that I was out of petrol. Shouted at a man beside him, handing over some keys, and asked him to get one bottle of petrol from his vehicle which was parked on the other side of road, And meanwhile he told me that he got a huge hike and decided to help people in need, and this was one of the ways.

And every day he offers petrol for free to those who are out of it! He refused to take any money, saying that then it becomes a business and advised me to help others who are in need with whatever I can! I was really overwhelmed by his helping nature, and his thought to inspire people by his actions! Rarely do we see this kind of people! Hats off to this man!”

– Vijay Vj