Gandhi hospital confronts scarcity of water

Hyderabad, October 29: Gandhi hospital the multi-specialty hospital of the city is confronting with severe scarcity of water these days resulting in lots of hardship for patients.

A lady patient of maternity ward revealed that the doctors are refusing to deliver babies giving the excuse of scarcity of water. It has been told that a pregnant woman of Golconda had to suffer the agony; she remained helpless following the refusal from hospital staff.

Inspite of this situation the authorities of the hospital are showing heedlessness instead of taking interest into the matter. Consequently patients have become apprehensive over the situation. The water proves insufficient despite the supply of water through water tankers.

It is to be noted that atleast 30 pregnant women approach Ghandhi hospital daily for delivery. Out of which nearly 10 are in emergency condition; they are not in a position to rush to another hospital in the nick of time. In these circumstances they experience trying situations which may sometimes prove fatal too.

——–Siasat News