Gaddafi sodomised before death?

Tripoli, October 26: Amid mounting questions about just how and when Muammar Gaddafi died, an analysis of video footage suggested a Libyan fighter sodomised the former Libyan strongman after he was captured near his hometown of Sirte, GlobalPost said in a report on Tuesday.

A frame by frame analysis of an exclusive GlobalPost video clearly shows the rebel trying to insert some kind of stick or knife into Gaddafi’s rear end, said the report.

Tracey Shelton, a correspondent at GlobalPost, said there was some question as to whether the instrument was a knife from the end of a gun, which Libyans call a ‘Bicketti’, or a utility tool known as a Becker Knife and Tool, which is popularly known as a BKT.

This latest video discovery comes as international and human rights groups call for a formal investigation into how the former Libyan leader was killed. In video clips that have emerged of his capture, Gaddafi can be seen injured but alive. Later he is seen with what appears to be gunshot wounds to his head and chest. According to the Geneva Conventions, however, abuse of prisoners under any circumstance is not permissible.
