HYDERABAD: In a sad and shocking case, health workers in Hyderabad performed the funeral of a 74-year-old Khaja Hameeduddin, who became the first person in Telangana to die of the deadly coronavirus.
Soon after his death, blood samples were collected. He was tested positive with COVID-19 and his grieving family has been under quarantine at their resident in Khairiatabad.
Because of this, no family members was able to attend the funeral of their loved one and the mortal remains was laid to rest in the presence of health workers.
According to a media reports, the man was buried on March 28.
There is empathy, but it’s very complicated
According to the guidelines for the 21-day nationwide lockdown, not more than 20 persons are allowed to gather at a funeral or congregation.
The health workers took necessary protective measures before and after the burial so as to reduced the potential transmission of the virus after the patient’s death.
Looking at the current stats, Telangana Health Minister Etela Rajendra said that 53 positive coronavirus cases were reported in the state.
The highly contagious virus has infected more than 1,000 people and killed 29 across the country.