Minority Welfare Department has released Rs. 65.3 lakhs to study the socio-economic conditions of minorities and related schemes. Secretary Minority Welfare Syed Omer Jaleel issued orders in this connection. According to GO the amount will be spent, under financial year 2015-16, to study the social-economic conditions of the minorities in the state.
Director Minority Welfare will release the amount to Sudhir commission of Enquiry. It must be noted that the government of Telangana, under the chairmanship of G Sudhir, has constituted Commission of Inquiry to study the Socio Economic and Educational conditions of Muslims in the State of Telangana to enable the Government to formulate policies for the amelioration and upliftment of Muslims to bring them on par with other sections of Society. The government has allocated budget for the commission, the 2nd installment of which was released on Friday.
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