Mumbai: Maharashtra’s Finance Minister Sudhir Mungantiwar has said that he has full faith in the economic system that is in place both at the central level and at the level of state government, and added that overall, the nation is developing under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
Participating in ETV’s popular “The J C Show” in Mumbai, Mungantiwar told Head, ETV News, Jagdish Chandra, “I have full faith on the economic system. I have full faith on people working in this sector (economic and finance sector), but, this system should always be strengthened and we are paying full attention to this. The country is continuously developing under the leadership of Prime Minister Modi.”
Targetting the opposition Congress party, Mungantiwar told ETV’s Mr. Chandra, “The Congress has given us loss in heritage.”
He was candid in admitting that as far as the economy of Maharashtra was concerned, there have been a “few highs and lows witnessed in share market and the construction business due to recession. But now the market is rising. Mumbai is lagging behind in revenue.”
Commenting on the state debt of Rs.330, 000, the Maharashtra Finance Minister said he is confident about the economy rebounding and moving northward.
“We have announced concessions on crops, on cancer-related drugs, concessions to sugar cane traders, concessions on items related to children’s use. We have raised expenses in a few sectors to bring and ensure uniformity,” Mungantiwar told ETV’s Mr. Chandra. (ANI)