Expanding its X series, Fujifilm India on Thursday launched “X-H1” mirrorless digital camera for Rs 1,49,999 (for body only) and Rs 1,72,999 (for body and battery grip). “X-H1” is the first camera in the series to include 5-axis, 5.5 stops in-body image stabilisation (IBIS) and the new “ETERNA Film Simulation” feature.
“Professional photography in India is gaining momentum and we see immense potential in this market. The wedding, advertising, broadcast and digital mediums are evolving at a fast pace in India due to which there is a huge demand for superior image quality,” Haruto Iwata, Managing Director, Fujifilm India Pvt Ltd, said in a statement. “‘X-H1’ will certainly mark a milestone for us in India, as we believe this is a camera that certainly exceeds professional expectations,” he added.
The device is mounted with the flicker reduction mode which enhances the quality of indoor sports photography. “X-H1” is the first camera in the “X” series to include “ETERNA” mode — a new film simulation mode ideal for shooting movies. The camera is also compatible with a range of other interchangeable lenses which are slated to release in May. The lenses include MKX18-55mmT2.9 and MKX50-135mmT2.9 professional cinema lenses, incorporating the X mount.