Pune: The administration of Film and Television Institute of India (FTII) has asked two inmates to vacate their hostel rooms by Saturday for drawing graffiti on the walls of the newly renovated canteen on July 4. The students had drawn graffiti of the words “hum dekhenge” borrowed from a Faiz Ahmad Faiz’s poem. The FTII administration termed it sullying of the revamped canteen and breach of discipline.
However the students have criticised the action terming it as curbing freedom of expression.
Vexed by getting repeated notices on trivial issues, the students drew graffiti of words ‘hum dekhenge’ on the pillar of the canteen of FTII that was renovated and inaugurated on July 3.
However the students told that the words written are not threatening or intentional but just borrowed from a poem but we have been misunderstood.