New Delhi [India]: Internal combustion engines, hybrid technologies, fuel cells, pure electric vehicles or autonomous driving – getting from one place to another in a vehicle will soon be more varied. The Freudenberg Group is aware of the changes and is working on mobility concepts of tomorrow. The concepts include innovative solutions beyond electric mobility.
New Mobility concepts pose major challenges to automotive manufacturers and suppliers, who need to prepare electric mobility for mass production. The Freudenberg Group is an important automotive supplier and is examining the trend closely and working to create innovative solutions.
“Our product diversity is our strength. We are the global market leader in our niches. When our customers want innovative products for internal combustion engines, we give them the solution they need. Some of our products can also be used in hybrid vehicles and we have more than ten years of experience with high performance batteries. Our battery products can also be used in purely electric vehicles and we also have expertise in a fourth drivetrain: the fuel cell. We have been researching fuel cells for 20 years,” said Dr. Mohsen Sohi, CEO, Freudenberg Group on new mobility.
Demand always drives supply. In the future, Freudenberg predicts relevancy for multiple drivetrain types – depending on their intended use. Electric vehicles will come sooner to urban areas, while efficient internal combustion engines will remain relevant in rural areas and for vehicles travelling greater distances. Technology will cater to consumer needs. The Group expects the changes to be more of an evolution than a revolution.
“We want to remain a competent supplier of high-tech innovation – for all drivetrain types. The innovations will include improvements to current internal combustion engines, hybrid engines or fuel cells along with those to purely electric vehicles. Thanks to our technological and material expertise, we will remain an important partner for many OEMs. Just look at battery technology or fuel cell products for example. Our nonwovens and filters are highly relevant to these markets. The markets for our sealing technology products are going to change, while they remain highly relevant. Our job is to advance the technologies we have, find new ideas and move forward with our customers,” said Georg Graf, Regional Representative, Freudenberg Regional Corporate Center India.
Components are often used in critical areas, such as batteries, engines, charging units and numerous other elements. Innovative Freudenberg solutions help make vehicles safer by using the latest battery components. Filters help keep air clean in vehicle interiors. A broad spectrum of seals increases vehicle life and improves thermal management. State-of-the-art vibration control systems help control vehicular noise and specialty chemical lubricants make them more efficient.
The automotive industry will remain extremely important to Freudenberg; our customers are driving our innovations. Technologies developed for the automotive industry can be used elsewhere in the Group.
The Freudenberg Group has solutions for all these areas, including internal combustion, electric, hybrid or electric-battery based vehicles.
-Safety: We make cars safer. Our vehicle products and solutions are essential for passenger safety.
-Efficiency: To reduce energy consumption, vehicles need to be more efficient. Our products optimize performance and efficiency.
-Health: In enclosed spaces, particularly in vehicle cabins, the passenger is exposed to small particles and gases, including harmful substances such as benzene, toluene or ozone. Our products can eliminate minuscule particulate matter to help safeguard the health of vehicle occupants.
-Noise Reduction: Noise and vibrations result from powertrain elements and adverse road conditions. Our products ensure a smoother, safe and noise-free ride.
-Weight Saving: Reducing a vehicle’s weight is vital to improving its efficiency and reducing emissions and helps in developing future mobility options.
Freudenberg has many businesses dedicated to providing excellent automotive solutions.
At the Auto Component Expo 2018 in New Delhi, Freudenberg will exhibit advanced and innovative products for the automotive industry. The new products combine sustainable and innovative solutions with high efficiency.
More information on new mobility is available in this video.