Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao today directed the officials to provide free education up to 12th Class to BCs, SC, ST, Minorities and physically disabled, irrespective of religion by bringing under one umbrella all residential schools and institutions by setting up 1,190 residential schools, including 10 in each Assembly segment across the State.
At a high-level review meeting on the flagship scheme of KG-to-PG Education at Secretariat with his deputy and Education Minister Kadiam Srihari, TSPSC Chairman Prof. G Chakrapani and others, KCR asked the officials to prepare a comprehensive Education Policy to provide admission to all the poor sections and classes up to 12th Class. The officials should focus on giving guidance and direction to the students for higher education and a wide variety of courses after completing Intermediate education, he said.
KCR expressed concern that different institutions have different menus, rates and budgets for food being served to the students, who must get adequate food in buffet system. Out of 1,190 schools, 668 residential schools are functioning on the lines of social welfare system and 522 more need to begin with some changes, he said. Up to class IV the students will study at rural areas under the purview of their parents and English medium is a must for them from 5th class onwards, he said. As Minorities have only 21 hostels out of 3,000 hostels in the State, girls of that community are dropping out from pursuing higher education due to lack of facilities. “We can overcome this problem by setting up one residential school and a hostel in each district and one hostel for Dalit girls in each Assembly segment, he added. (NSS)