Free distribution of EAMCET CDs by Siasat

Hyderabad, May 7: Siasat daily in collaboration with ‘’ will distribute CDs free of cost for preparation of EAMCET (medicine and engineering entrance). The special CDs have been prepared by with the help of 40 distinguished education experts which will be distributed freely among Siasat readers. This CD compiled by can be very helpful for the students for last movement preparation. Students having computers can write model exams by using this CD.

The distribution of CDs will start on May 7 at 11 am at Golden Jubilee Hall Siasat premises in the presence of Mr. Zahid Ali Khan editor Siasat daily and Mr. Kiran Kumar managing director

Interested candidates can approach the office along with their college ID cards to get the CD.

For more details contact can be made on phone number 8712272712/13 and 9642766786.

Siasat news