Four Soft gets CMMI level 3 certification

Hyderabad, June 30: Four Soft Limited (4S), a global leader offering software solutions for transportation and logistics, today announced that the company has been appraised as fully compliant at Maturity Level 3 with Carnegie Mellon’s Software Engineering Institute’s (SEI) Capability Maturity Model(R) Integration for Development (CMMI(R)) Version 1.2.

The Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement (SCAMPIA) was conducted for the Project Management, Engineering and Support functions at Four Soft Limited at its Headquarters. The appraisal was conducted by Cyber Q, a SEI Partner, and the results were announced after the SEI completed its audit processes.

”The CMMI Level 3 certification marks an important milestone in the journey towards excellence. Achieving SEI’s CMMI Level 3 Certification is testimony to Foursoft’s continued commitment to providing the highest quality products and services to our customers around the world.

It is also an important endorsement of our processes, systems and capabilities that enable us to deliver value to customers,” Four Soft Limited CEO Rajshekhar Roy said in a press release here.

Certification of CMMI Level 3 indicates that the software processes for both management and engineering activities are standardized and well documented. It further helps the company to promote and achieve the Product cost, Schedule, Functionality and Quality as its goals with a view to providing its customers with an ever ending satisfaction, the release added.
