Four persons have been arrested by theYelahanka police on the charge of robbery and recovered stolen ornaments worth Rs 9 lakh from them. The arrested are Jaffar, 31, Shabharish, 22, a resident of Kogilu village, Renuka, 36, and Seema, 31, all from Bhadravati.
According to police, the suspects operated as a team and under fired people at bus stands and public places. They would identify men wearing ornaments and introduce themselves under some pretext and collect their mobile phone numbers.
They would contact them later and lure them into meeting at secluded places, where they would threaten them with weapons and stole from them their valuables. They were also involved in many chain-snatching incidents.
A group which worked on similar lines was under arrest by the Yelahanka police. Valuables worth Rs two lakh and three cellphones have been recovered.
The arrested are Guruprasad, 28, from Laggere, Soumya, 26, a resident of Vidyaranyapura, and Manjula, 24, of Kyatasandra.