New Delhi: Delhi Police cyber crime cell arrested four people for allegedly harassing senior journalist Barkha Dutt online. Confirming the reports, Dutt tweeted, “Four men arrested by Delhi Police cyber cell for stalking me, sexually abusing me, sending me nude/D#ck pictures and in one case threatening to kill me. However, this is not over. I have listed ten more numbers in my FIR and before a magistrate. Will follow till each one jailed.”
Four arrested for harassing journalist @bdutt online
— MSN India (@msnindia) March 20, 2019
Stating that she was receiving obscene messages, pictures, threats from unknown people, Barkha Dutt had registered an FIR with the police on February 21.
Indian Express quoted her FIR thus: “I appear to have been made a victim of some fake news propaganda and my number has been shared on all social media platforms. I have been sent nude pictures and sexually abusive text messages. I fear for my well-being, security and life as this is a coordinated assault by a violent mob.”
Acting upon the complaint, police formed a team and using technical surveillance, arrested four men, identified as Rajiv Sharma (23), Hemraj Kumar (31) and Aditya Kumar (34) from Delhi and Shabbir Gurfan Pinjari (45), a resident of Surat.
Dear @DCP_CCC_Delhi @DelhiPolice @CPDelhi – thanks for four arrests made for sexual abuse, death threat, stalking, nude pix & violence, Id like to underline you are yet to act against at least 10 other grave offenders. My statement before the magistrate is on record. Please Act.
— barkha dutt (@BDUTT) March 20, 2019