Hyderabad: Habeeb Nagar Police arrested former mutawalli of Dargah Yousufain, Mr. Mohammed Faisal Ali Shah for allegedly keeping the owner of the handicrafts shop, Mirza Hamid Ali Baig locked in his house.
Mr. Baig runs a handicraft shop located at Road Number 2 of Banjara Hills. He had come to Faisal’s house for collecting money which was due. Both indulged in heated arguments and later, Mr. Faisal assaulted him physically and locked up in his house. The handicraft owner informed the police.
A team of policemen of Habeeb Nagar Police Station reached the house of Mr. Faisal Ali, arrested him and released Mr. Hamid Ali from his clutches.
Inspector of Police, Habeeb Nagar, Mr. P. Shivachandra told that Mr. Faisal Ali Shah has been arrested on the charges of keeping Mr. Hamid Ali in his custody. He will be produced in the court on Thursday.