Ashok Kumar Ganguly the former Chairman of the West Bengal Human Rights Commission and a former Judge of the Supreme Court of India has been recently indicted by a panel of the Supreme Court for sexually harassing a young law intern in a hotel room. He was given the clean chit after the intern refused to record her statement before the police.
In December 6, 2013 the three member panel of SC judges saying ‘prima facie’ found the allegations correct. The reports submitted to then chief justice of India P Sathasivam said the statement of the victim prima facie disclosed acts of ‘unwelcome behaviour’ of a ‘sexual nature’ by the retired judge.
Justice Ganguly had said, “I have not done anything to feel ashamed of. The allegations were made by the intern 11 months after the incident. This was organised to defame me. The West Bengal government was very uncomfortable with me as the WBHRC Chief.”
The senior lawyer Indira Jaising, who has been representing the victim in the proceedings before the SC panel which inquired the incident tweeted “Former SC Judge Ganguly names the woman who accused him of sexual harassment in his new book and called her his child and blessed her!!!”
She also said “Of course it was not proper on his part to name the victim. A decision on future course of action will be taken after I talk to the girl”.