New Delhi: The list of business in Rajya Sabha indicates that the former judge is scheduled to make the prescribed oath or affirmation of allegiance to the Constitution tomorrow. Earlier this week, the President of India had nominated Justice Gogoi to Rajya Sabha as a nominated member.
Justice Gogoi has been nominated to fill the vacancy caused due to the retirement of one of the nominated member, Senior Advocate K.T.S. Tulsi. Other nominated members in the Rajya Sabha are Swapan Dasgupta, Dr. Subramanian Swamy, Dr. Narendra Jadhav , Suresh Gopi, Mrs. Mangte Chungneijang Mary Kom, Sambhajiraje Chhatrapati, Roopa Ganguly, Ram Shakal , Rakesh Sinha, Dr. Sonal Mansingh and Raghunath Mohapatra.
“I have accepted the offer of the nomination to the Rajya Sabha because of strong conviction, that the legislature and the Judiciary must at some point of time work together for Nation-building,” the Judge had reportedly told a news agency.
A writ petition challenging the nomination of former Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi to the Rajya Sabha has been filed by academician Madhu Purnima Kishwar in the Supreme court today.