Samba: A retired Army man, Rumal Singh”>Rumal Singh celebrated his 100th birthday with family and friends in Jammu and Kashmir’s Samba city.
The celebration was organised with pomp and show yesterday, where the whole village was a part of it.
“They are extremely proud of him and want him to live a long life. He cut three cakes with grandchildren around him,” the elated family exclaimed.
Rumal’s family currently has 30 members including sons and grandchildren.
All the family members, including his youngest granddaughter Ambika, wished that Rumal lives another 100 years and celebrates a bigger birthday.
“I retired in the year 1958 and for me, hard work and dedication was always the priority. Currently, my health is deteriorating and I am happy to celebrate my birthday with family and friends for the last,” retired Army man said.
“‘If you’ve come to this world, do good deeds….and if you cannot do any good for anyone, then don’t do anything bad too,” he added
Retired Army man further appealed to today’s younger generation that passion towards work and love for the nation should be on one’s aim. (ANI)