Hyderabad: The snake charmers have tormented snakes by removing their teeth and venom sacks with the sole purpose of duping gullible public that revere the creepy creature and offer it milk and its owner some money.
Telangana Forest department officials said, “We could catch less than 10 snakes this time as there is widespread awareness against tormenting them in view of Nag Panchami festival.”
“Fangs of spectacled cobra (prime victim during Nag Panchami) were removed by snake charmers. Some charmers sew the mouth while damaging the jaw and oral cavity of the snake, while a few pricked the venom glands of the poor serpents,” said Avinash, a member of Friends of Snakes Society, Hyderabad.

“The rescued snakes are sent to the forest department where the veterinary doctors start the treatment. When they are out of danger cobras would be released into the forest,” added, Avinash.
He explained that “In most cases, the jaw of the snake is damaged, the mouth is infected and the glands are perforated.”

Forest Department officials said that they have rescued five cobras, in the city. On the other hand, Greater Hyderabad Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (GHSPCA) along with People for Animals (PFA) rescued about four cobras.
The officials said 14 cobras were rescued in the city last year. The number of snakes rescued has come down when compared with past years. In 2008 nearly 200 snakes had been rescued from the city, the added.
Authored by Mohammed Hussain