New Delhi: A 36-year-old Sydey bike rider was severely burned after his iPhone 6 exploded as he fell off from his bike.
The phone, which was in Gareth Clear’s back pocket, caught fire when he fell on it. Gareth said. “I just saw smoke coming out of my back pocket and I was completely bewildered about what it was and then all of a sudden I felt this surging pain.”
The “explosion” resulted in third-degree burns to Clear’s right thigh, which required skin grafts.
The iPhone 6, suffered a battery failure and started melting through his clothes and skin.
Gareth said.”metal bending and all the lithium leaking out of the bottom end”, the top remained “perfectly intact.”
Apple said Gareth that the company will be carrying an investigation into the incident.
Gareth is now recovering from third-degree burns to his right thigh at the Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney where he underwent a skin graft operation.
He is now trying to raise awareness about the dangers of lithium-ion batteries through Twitter.
He said. “The more pervasive these are in our lives and the more people use them with a lack of apprehension that something might go wrong, the more that these things will happen.”