Aurangabad: As the drought is worsening in Maharashtra, the government on Saturday set up a fodder camp aka ‘Chara Chawani’ for cattle in the drought-hit Aurangabad district’s Lasur village.
Speaking to ANI, a local said that the more than 6000 cattle have been taken care of by the authorities in the shelter home by providing them food and water. “About 1200 farmers from three tehsils bring nearly 6300 cattle here for fodder and water. There is proper medical care for cattles. Besides, facilities such as CCTV cameras and fire fighting equipments have also been installed”
The India Meteorological Department (IMD) has predicted that the region will receive rainfall after a delay of at least by a week. The organisation also predicted that the mercury levels across the state of Maharashtra will surge from May 19.
The maximum temperatures in Vidarbha, Marathwada and Khandesh regions of the state are likely to increase significantly and the trend will continue till May 25