Chennai, March 01: BSNL Chennai Telephones has begun to focus on delivering high-bandwidth video-conferencing solutions for medical institutions that host international symposia.
Recently, Chennai Telephones deployed its Internet Leased Line (ILL) facility for an international meet organised by the Surgical Gastroenterology department of the Government General Hospital.
The two-day workshop was on the International Society for Diseases of the Esophagus, Indian chapter.
Complex surgeries
About 15 complex surgeries performed at Chennai GH were also beamed live to these countries in addition to live interactions with experts across the globe.
The video-conferencing and live interactions were powered by a 45 Mbps Internet Leased Line (ILL) provided by BSNL through optical fibre.
“This is the highest bandwidth we have provided on the leased line platform to a client,” a BSNL official told The Hindu.
The inherent advantage of the leased line over conventional broadband is that the connectivity is provided over a static IP, where the line is exclusively dedicated to one user, and not a dynamic IP where the bandwidth is apportioned among users, an official said.
Though quality video-conferencing is possible with one-third of the bandwidth that was provided for the GH meet, organisers preferred a higher capacity because the live video-conferencing involved sessions with experts from the US, the UK, the Netherlands, Korea, Japan, Belgium and France.
BSNL provides video conference on its leased line services through the Connect Video Meet feature.
Most corporates are operating ILLs on bandwidths ranging from 8 Mbps to 12 Mbps.
“We’re keen on exploring the revenue stream from hosting video-conferencing logistics for international medical events in a city that is tagged the healthcare hub,” the official said.
Putting up the video-conferencing logistics for the GH event brought Rs. 3 lakh into the coffers of Chennai Telephones.
Fixed lines
At present, fixed lines, that include broadband, account for 80 per cent of Chennai Telephones’ revenue while 20 per cent stems from the mobile segment.
In the fixed access segment, leased lines account for 10 per cent of the revenue.