Flappy Bird up on Windows Phone website despite developer denying building version

Popular screen-tap mobile game, Flappy Bird, has reportedly appeared on the Windows Phone website, but the game’s developer has denied building a version for the OS.

Vietnam-based creator Dong Nguyen has developed the game, currently only available for Apple and Android devices.

However, the publisher of the Windows Phone version is given as IG Mobile, the BBC reports.

Flappy Bird was launched in May last year and since then has garnered huge popularity by social media users and is now the number one free game in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store charts, raking in nearly 50,000 dollars-a-day in ad revenue.

Nguyen posted a tweet apologizing Windows Phone users for late in issue of Flappy Birds for their platform, adding that he was trying hard to make it happen.

Meanwhile, Microsoft said that it was investigating the issue. (ANI)