Flagship Android smartphones lose their value twice as fast as iPhones, according to a new report from BankMyCell.
In the first year, on average, iPhones lost -23.45%; by year two, the total loss is -45.46%. The scary news for $700+ Android flagship users is, the average iPhone’s two-year loss is the same as their one-year depreciation -45.18%!
The site found that over four years the iPhone’s trade-in value steadily declined, losing between -23.45% to -33.09% year on year. In two years, the average iPhone would lose -45.46% of its original resale value, -23.45% in year one and -28.75% in year two. During the same period, the average Android flagship phone would lose –71.41% of its original resale value, -45.18% and year two -47.85%.
Looking at depreciation by brand, Apple again comes out on top. In 2019, Apple devices depreciated 25.98% on average. Compare that to Samsung at 34.42% and Google at 51.68%. Notably, Nokia was in second place with average depreciation of 27.68% in 2019.
2019-2020 Average Smartphone Depreciation By Brand