New Delhi: Facebook co-founder, Mark Zuckerberg addressing a press conference on Wednesday said ‘he wishes he could snap his fingers and solve everything in three to six months. But “these are big issues” and Facebook would need to deal with them.
Not Cambridge Analytica is the sole problem that Facebook has been facing, the social media company is also dealing with fake news, used for spreading hate and discord. It also has concerns related to social media’s effect on people’s mental well-being.
Zuckerberg admitting in the press on Wednesday said this a “huge mistake” and added, “it’s my mistake. He said his company hasn’t taken a broad enough view of what its responsibility is. On the data breach, he said Facebook has to ensure the app developers that they follow the rules.
Facebook revealed that as many as 87 million people might have had their data accessed by Cambridge Analytica. The report published had included 50 million people earlier.
The latest changes that Facebook is conducting include; restricting the access that apps can get about users’ events, information about groups such as member lists and content.
The company is also removing the option to search for users with the help of a phone number or an email address. Facebook says businesses that had a phone or email information on customers were able to collect profile information with phone numbers and email addresses.