The Telangana state Government has ordered the following Full Additional Charge arrangements:
J. Raymond Peter, Principal Secretary to Government, PR, RD & RWS Department is placed in full additional charge of the post of Special Chief Secretary to Government (Remote & Interior Areas Development), General Administration Department, until further orders. He shall also hold full additional charge of the post of Secretary to Government, Rain Shadow Areas Development Department, until further orders.
Ajay Mishra, Principal Secretary to Government (Political),General Administration Department is placed in full additional charge of the post of Special Chief Secretary to Government (Accommodation), General Administration Department, until further orders.
Poonam Malakondaiah, APC & Principal Secretary to Government, Agril. & Coop. Department is placed in full additional charge of the post of Principal Secretary to Government, Animal Husbandry, Dairy Development and Fisheries Department, until further orders.
Sabyasachi Ghosh, Secretary to Government, Ind. & Comm. Department is placed in full additional charge of the post of Principal Secretary to Government, Public Enterprises Department, until further orders.
B. Janardhana Reddy, Commissioner & Director of Municipal Administration, MA&UD Dept., is placed in full additional charge of the post of Commissioner, I&PR & EO Secretary to Government, General Administration Department, until further orders. (NSS)