Viral video: Fisherman finds bottle of whisky inside a fish

A fisherman got more than what he hooked in when he cut open one of his catches to find a sealed bottle of Fireball Whisky inside.

The clip, which has gone viral on social media, shows fishermen working on their catch in a boat somewhere in the open ocean. A man with a knife slices off a large chunk of the fish, noticing there’s something strange and bulging in its stomach. He then cuts through the innards and pushes out its contents, which turn out to be an unopened bottle of whiskey. He reacts by holding it up to his mates, exclaiming that he’s hit the ‘jackpot’.

The video circulated through TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media platforms has garnered lots of likes and speculations. Some people were skeptical of the video, claiming it to be staged. They insisted that the fishermen or his crew must have shoved the bottle down the fish’s throat after it was caught by them. The incident also sparked a debate about marine pollution and the adverse effects it has on aquatic life.

While this particular incident may have been faked, the fact remains that marine pollution is a cause of serious concern. Sea animals have been routinely found to have swallowed plastic and other trash that chokes them to death or leaves them impaired. The chemicals and garbage that find their way into the ocean damage the whole aquatic ecosystem.