Chennai: Describing Mahatma Gandhi’s assassin Nathuram Godse as independent India’s first terrorist the actor-turned-politician Kamal Haasan said “I am not saying this because many Muslims are here. I’m saying this in front of Gandhi’s statue. The first terrorist post India’s independence is a Hindu. His name is Nathuram Godse.”
As reported by News 18, Haasan told this while speaking at an election rally for his party candidate S Mohanraj in Aravakurichi assembly constituency. Aravakurichi will go to polls on Sunday. Kamal Haasan is the president of Makkal Needhi Maiam.
Haasan’s comment stoked a row, with the BJP saying he is lighting a “dangerous fire”.
Bollywood star Vivek Oberoi, who will be seen essaying the role of Narendra Modi in a biopic based on the PM tweeted: “Dear Kamal sir, you are a great artist. Just like art has no religion, terror has no religion either! You can say Ghodse was a terrorist, why would you specify ‘Hindu’ ? Is it because you were in a Muslim dominated area looking for votes?”
Dear Kamal sir, you are a great artist. Just like art has no religion, terror has no religion either! You can say Ghodse was a terrorist, why would you specify ‘Hindu’ ? Is it because you were in a Muslim dominated area looking for votes? @ikamalhaasan
— Vivek Anand Oberoi (@vivekoberoi) May 13, 2019