Colombo, Aug.17 : The Election Secretariat says the first result of the 2015 parliamentary elections could be announced before midnight Monday.
The Election results will be announced on electoral district basis for the 160 electoral districts, reports the Colombo Page web site.
After announcing the results of all the electoral districts, the seats gained by different parties will be announced.
The announcing of results will be carried out under the supervision of returning officers of each district.
The Election Commissioner has said it may take longer to release all the results at this election than the presidential election in January.
He doubted whether the results of all the districts could be announced by noon Tuesday since it might be even midnight Tuesday when the preference vote results will be released.
Meanwhile, according to the web site, the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (HRCSL) has decided to set up a special unit to prevent election related fundamental rights violations during the casting votes at tomorrow’s general election.
The special unit will record complaints related to incidents of fundamental rights violations on the day of the election.
The unit will be set up in the HRCSL head office consisting of 10 members.
The Secretariat will consist of a Commissioner, the Secretary and a few senior officers of the Commission. The unit will be supervised by a Commissioner and the Secretary of the HRCSL.
This special body will function until 4 p.m. today. (ANI)