First-ever laptop with motion-sensors unveiled by HP

Computer manufacturer HP has reportedly embedded motion-sensing technology in its Envy 17 Leap Motion notebook, making it the first ever device in the personal computer market to have such a feature.

HP Senior Vice President Ron Coughlin said that the company’s collaboration with Leap Motion is one example of how HP is innovating and defining the next generation computing experience.

Leap Motion’s general manager, Ted Theochung said that they do not intend to replace the mouse as a way to control the computer but the motion-sensing technology is like the next wave of touchless computing, ABC News reports.

The Leap Motion was first released in July as a small USB device for 79.99 dollars and Theochung further explained that the best thing is that they have miniaturized the size of the Leap Motion and put it in the PC in roughly six months.

According to the report, the motion sensor sits to the right of the mouse pad as opposed to directly in the middle.

The Envy 17 Leap Motion notebook is available for a whopping price of 1,049.99 dollars and is more expensive than other 17-inch PC laptops, including HP Envy priced at 699.99 dollars.

The notebook will be made available to customers on October 16 and will include one terabyte hard drive, 8 gigabytes of RAM and an NVIDIA graphics card. (ANI)