Moradabad, UP: In a case related to assault, an FIR has been lodged against the BJP district president of Moradabad, Hari Om Sharma. The complaint is in connection with an alleged attack by him on a block development officer (BDO), police said on Tuesday.
Ajay Kumar Saxena, the BDO of Moondha Pandey in eastern Moradabad, alleged that BJP President had beat him up after he refused to the illegal work Sharma had requested him to do. Sharma had first verbally abused him and then turned up at his office with 15 other men, reports the quint.
Saxena claimed he suffered multiple injuries to his head. Moondha Pandey police station SO Ramvir Singh Yadav said that a case has been registered under sections 332, 333 and 504, among others, of the IPC against Sharma.
The BJP leader denied the allegations and said that he did not even visit the BDO office.
Chief Development Officer C Indumati called the incident “unfortunate and intolerable”. SO Yadav said an investigation has been initiated and the accused would soon be charged. The SSP of Moradabad was not immediately available for comment.
“This is an unfortunate incident. A BDO coming under physical attack by a district president of the ruling party is intolerable. Hence, we have lodged an FIR. We hope that the guilty are put behind bars C Indumati,” Chief Development Officer said.
All the accused are at large, police said.