An FIR was on Tuesday lodged in Bihar’s Lakhisarai district against Union Minister Giriraj Singh for electoral malpractice after he was caught on camera allegedly seeking votes for a BJP candidate during the first phase of assembly polls yesterday. Concerned sector magistrate for elections Dharmendra Chaudhary got registered the FIR against the Union Minister of State for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) under section 130(2) of the Representation of People Act and section 188 of IPC at Barahiya police station, its in-charge Vishwa Ranjan Singh said.
Section 130(2) prohibits any person from canvassing for votes in or near a polling station on the day of poll, while section 188 of IPC relates to disobedience to order duly promulgated by a public servant. The offence registered against the Union Minister is bailable, he said.
Singh was caught on camera giving interview to mediapersons and allegedly asking people to vote for the BJP candidate after exercising his franchise in a government middle school in Lakhisarai during the first phase of polling in Bihar yesterday.
Sitting BJP MLA Vijay Kumar Sinha is seeking another term from Lakhisarai constituency. The minister was not available for his comments.