New Delhi: The story of Rani Mehra of Kangana Ranaut’s ‘Queen ‘ is not unknown to anyone. She went for her honeymoon all alone, after her marriage broke a day prior to the D-day.
Now, Miss Malini reported a story of another Rani from the other side of the border, but here there’s a little change in the tale.
Huma Mobin, a Pakistani woman, was all set for a second honeymoon with hubby Arsalaan Mobin in Greece.
However, in a weird twist of events, Arsalaan wasn’t granted a visa in time for the trip. Hence Huma decided to honeymoon alone.
But most interesting part was the snaps she took during her trip.
The pictures, uploaded on her Facebook account showed her with a grumpy face with a hand extended, as if she kept it to hold her hubby.
Reportedly, she took the trip with her in-laws instead.
While speaking to a travel community, Tripoto, Huma said, “The experience was totally worth it! I’ve travelled alone before but it’s different when you’ve found your person or in Phoebe’s words, my Lobster. I felt numb honestly but my mother-in-law or as I call her Sassy-ma and my father in law made the most effort to not let me miss him which is why I had fun making these series. It was my husband and my mother-in-law who told me to have fun and just do it!” (ANI)