Kurnool: Andhra Pradesh Irrigation Minister Dr P Anil Kumar and Finance Minister Buggana Rajendranath on Friday inspected arrangements for the Pushkaram festival at Munagala Padu, Pancha Lingala, and the Pushkar Ghats in Kurnool district of the state.
This year, the festival will be celebrated from November 20 to December 1.
After the physical inspection, a review meeting was held at the Sunaina Auditorium in the District Collector’s Office.
District Collector G Veerapandian, Superintendent of Police Dr K Phakeerappa, MLAs Hafiz Khan, K Rambhupal Reddy, and Dr J Sudhakar, Joint Collectors and other officials participated in the inspection and review meeting.
In November last year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi in ‘Mann-ki-baat’ had mentioned the festival that took place in Assam for the river Brahmaputra.
“Last year, the Pushkaram was held on the Taamirabarani river in Tamil Nadu. This year it was held on the Brahmaputra river. Next year it will be held in Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka on the Tungabhadra river,” he said.