CPI National General Secretary Suravaram Sudhakar Reddy today exhorted the central bank officials came from various states to wage a protracted struggle against the BJP led NDA Government at the Centre for its lopsided policies and dumping labourers, employees and people.
Addressing a key meeting of bankers at RTC Kalyana Mandapam here on Saturday, while extending solidarity to the bankers proposed national wide strike by labourers and employees on September 2, Sudhakar Reddy accused the Prime Minister Narendra Modi of adopting economic policies favouring the corporate sector and hampering the interests of labourers, employees and people. The CPI leader said that European Union is on the verge of collapse as Britain made a terse exit (Brexit) with voting. The developed nations with more number of intellectuals are worried with labour force coming into their lands from other countries.
Sudhakar Reddy criticized the Modi Government for failing to bring back black money despite the disclosure of Panama list of details. He attributed the high inflation and plummeting financial crisis in the country to the inefficiency of the Modi government. We need to exert pressure on the Centre to refrain from continuing such policies against the people he added. (NSS)