Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Friday announced Rs 50 crore for the development of Jahangir Peer Dargah at Kothur mandal in Rangareddy district. After making offerings at the Dargah, the Chief Minister said it was his old promise to visit the Dargah, “I prayed at the Dargah for Telangana Statehood when I was Mahabubnagar MP. The wish has been fulfilled and I have come here to offer ‘Chaddar’ as thanksgiving,” the Chief Minister said. Addressing a gathering outside the Dargah, he announced Rs 50 crore for development of famous Dargah. Besides, following requests from local leaders, the Chief Minister also announced Rs 10 lakhs for each village and Rs 5 lakhs for each thanda falling under Kothur mandal for setting up basic amenities. He also assured that guest houses will be developed in 100 acres near the Dargah to accommodate pilgrims, besides developing the area as a popular tourist spot. (Photo: Zabi)
Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Friday announced Rs 50 crore for the development of Jahangir Peer Dargah at Kothur mandal in Rangareddy district. After making offerings at the Dargah, the Chief Minister said it was his old promise to visit the Dargah, “I prayed at the Dargah for Telangana Statehood when I was Mahabubnagar MP. The wish has been fulfilled and I have come here to offer ‘Chaddar’ as thanksgiving,” the Chief Minister said. Addressing a gathering outside the Dargah, he announced Rs 50 crore for development of famous Dargah. Besides, following requests from local leaders, the Chief Minister also announced Rs 10 lakhs for each village and Rs 5 lakhs for each thanda falling under Kothur mandal for setting up basic amenities. He also assured that guest houses will be developed in 100 acres near the Dargah to accommodate pilgrims, besides developing the area as a popular tourist spot. (Photo: Zabi)
Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Friday announced Rs 50 crore for the development of Jahangir Peer Dargah at Kothur mandal in Rangareddy district. After making offerings at the Dargah, the Chief Minister said it was his old promise to visit the Dargah, “I prayed at the Dargah for Telangana Statehood when I was Mahabubnagar MP. The wish has been fulfilled and I have come here to offer ‘Chaddar’ as thanksgiving,” the Chief Minister said. Addressing a gathering outside the Dargah, he announced Rs 50 crore for development of famous Dargah. Besides, following requests from local leaders, the Chief Minister also announced Rs 10 lakhs for each village and Rs 5 lakhs for each thanda falling under Kothur mandal for setting up basic amenities. He also assured that guest houses will be developed in 100 acres near the Dargah to accommodate pilgrims, besides developing the area as a popular tourist spot. (Photo: Zabi)
Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Friday announced Rs 50 crore for the development of Jahangir Peer Dargah at Kothur mandal in Rangareddy district. After making offerings at the Dargah, the Chief Minister said it was his old promise to visit the Dargah, “I prayed at the Dargah for Telangana Statehood when I was Mahabubnagar MP. The wish has been fulfilled and I have come here to offer ‘Chaddar’ as thanksgiving,” the Chief Minister said. Addressing a gathering outside the Dargah, he announced Rs 50 crore for development of famous Dargah. Besides, following requests from local leaders, the Chief Minister also announced Rs 10 lakhs for each village and Rs 5 lakhs for each thanda falling under Kothur mandal for setting up basic amenities. He also assured that guest houses will be developed in 100 acres near the Dargah to accommodate pilgrims, besides developing the area as a popular tourist spot. (Photo: Zabi)
Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Friday announced Rs 50 crore for the development of Jahangir Peer Dargah at Kothur mandal in Rangareddy district. After making offerings at the Dargah, the Chief Minister said it was his old promise to visit the Dargah, “I prayed at the Dargah for Telangana Statehood when I was Mahabubnagar MP. The wish has been fulfilled and I have come here to offer ‘Chaddar’ as thanksgiving,” the Chief Minister said. Addressing a gathering outside the Dargah, he announced Rs 50 crore for development of famous Dargah. Besides, following requests from local leaders, the Chief Minister also announced Rs 10 lakhs for each village and Rs 5 lakhs for each thanda falling under Kothur mandal for setting up basic amenities. He also assured that guest houses will be developed in 100 acres near the Dargah to accommodate pilgrims, besides developing the area as a popular tourist spot. (Photo: Zabi)
Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Friday announced Rs 50 crore for the development of Jahangir Peer Dargah at Kothur mandal in Rangareddy district. After making offerings at the Dargah, the Chief Minister said it was his old promise to visit the Dargah, “I prayed at the Dargah for Telangana Statehood when I was Mahabubnagar MP. The wish has been fulfilled and I have come here to offer ‘Chaddar’ as thanksgiving,” the Chief Minister said. Addressing a gathering outside the Dargah, he announced Rs 50 crore for development of famous Dargah. Besides, following requests from local leaders, the Chief Minister also announced Rs 10 lakhs for each village and Rs 5 lakhs for each thanda falling under Kothur mandal for setting up basic amenities. He also assured that guest houses will be developed in 100 acres near the Dargah to accommodate pilgrims, besides developing the area as a popular tourist spot. (Photo: Zabi)
Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Friday announced Rs 50 crore for the development of Jahangir Peer Dargah at Kothur mandal in Rangareddy district. After making offerings at the Dargah, the Chief Minister said it was his old promise to visit the Dargah, “I prayed at the Dargah for Telangana Statehood when I was Mahabubnagar MP. The wish has been fulfilled and I have come here to offer ‘Chaddar’ as thanksgiving,” the Chief Minister said. Addressing a gathering outside the Dargah, he announced Rs 50 crore for development of famous Dargah. Besides, following requests from local leaders, the Chief Minister also announced Rs 10 lakhs for each village and Rs 5 lakhs for each thanda falling under Kothur mandal for setting up basic amenities. He also assured that guest houses will be developed in 100 acres near the Dargah to accommodate pilgrims, besides developing the area as a popular tourist spot. (Photo: Zabi)
Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Friday announced Rs 50 crore for the development of Jahangir Peer Dargah at Kothur mandal in Rangareddy district. After making offerings at the Dargah, the Chief Minister said it was his old promise to visit the Dargah, “I prayed at the Dargah for Telangana Statehood when I was Mahabubnagar MP. The wish has been fulfilled and I have come here to offer ‘Chaddar’ as thanksgiving,” the Chief Minister said. Addressing a gathering outside the Dargah, he announced Rs 50 crore for development of famous Dargah. Besides, following requests from local leaders, the Chief Minister also announced Rs 10 lakhs for each village and Rs 5 lakhs for each thanda falling under Kothur mandal for setting up basic amenities. He also assured that guest houses will be developed in 100 acres near the Dargah to accommodate pilgrims, besides developing the area as a popular tourist spot. (Photo: Zabi)
Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Friday announced Rs 50 crore for the development of Jahangir Peer Dargah at Kothur mandal in Rangareddy district. After making offerings at the Dargah, the Chief Minister said it was his old promise to visit the Dargah, “I prayed at the Dargah for Telangana Statehood when I was Mahabubnagar MP. The wish has been fulfilled and I have come here to offer ‘Chaddar’ as thanksgiving,” the Chief Minister said. Addressing a gathering outside the Dargah, he announced Rs 50 crore for development of famous Dargah. Besides, following requests from local leaders, the Chief Minister also announced Rs 10 lakhs for each village and Rs 5 lakhs for each thanda falling under Kothur mandal for setting up basic amenities. He also assured that guest houses will be developed in 100 acres near the Dargah to accommodate pilgrims, besides developing the area as a popular tourist spot. (Photo: Zabi)
Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao on Friday announced Rs 50 crore for the development of Jahangir Peer Dargah at Kothur mandal in Rangareddy district. After making offerings at the Dargah, the Chief Minister said it was his old promise to visit the Dargah, “I prayed at the Dargah for Telangana Statehood when I was Mahabubnagar MP. The wish has been fulfilled and I have come here to offer ‘Chaddar’ as thanksgiving,” the Chief Minister said. Addressing a gathering outside the Dargah, he announced Rs 50 crore for development of famous Dargah. Besides, following requests from local leaders, the Chief Minister also announced Rs 10 lakhs for each village and Rs 5 lakhs for each thanda falling under Kothur mandal for setting up basic amenities. He also assured that guest houses will be developed in 100 acres near the Dargah to accommodate pilgrims, besides developing the area as a popular tourist spot. (Photo: Zabi)