New Delhi: The Federation of Indian Airlines (FIA) members on Saturday said it has restored the flying privileges to Shiv Sena MP Ravindra Gaikwad after they were satisfied with the latter’s statement.
“The FIA member airlines are also restoring the flying privileges to Mr Gaikwad under the assurance that our assets and colleagues shall be accorded the respect that they deserve for the hard work that they put in every day,” Ujwal Dey, Associate Director of FIA said in a statement.
This comes after National Carrier Air India yesterday lifted ban on Gaikwad after a request from Civil Aviation Minister Ashok Gajapathi Raju.
The development comes a day after the Shiv Sena MP tendered an apology to the Civil Aviation Minister, expressing regret over the incident.
Air India earlier on Thursday announced that it had cancelled Gaikwad’s Delhi-Mumbai round tickets for April 17 and 24.
The Shiv Sena MP had allegedly thrashed an Air India staffer with his slipper over a sitting arrangement.
On March 24, a day after the incident at the Delhi airport, Air India had barred Gaikwad from flying with it.
Following suit, the FIA had also imposed a ban on him. Jet Airways, SpiceJet, GoAir and IndiGo are part of the grouping.
When FIA had imposed a flying ban on Gaikwad, two non- member carriers — Vistara and Air Asia — had said they were with the industry on the issue. (ANI)