Hyderabad: On Sunday, Telangana state recorded nearly 900 fewer cases which were the result of the reduced the testing by 9759.
The number of tests plunged to 9443 and those who tested positive fell 983. Meanwhile, the reports of 1414 tests are awaited.
On Saturday the government had conducted 19202 tests and 1891 persons had tested positive.
The total number of cases as on Sunday at 8pm stood at 67660, according to the bulletin issued by the health department on Monday. While the GHMC area recorded 273 cases Ranga Reddy had 73 and Karimnagar 564.
Even deaths were reported, taking the toll to 551. The death rate is 53:87 per cent in those with morbid conditions and 46.13 per cent did not have any problem and have died due to the virus according to the bulletin.
The bulletin said 65.6 per cent of the patients were man and 34.4 per cent women.
Those in the age group of 31 to 40 years were worst affected, both among men and women.