Fees of most engineering colleges in Hyderabad cross Rs 75K

Hyderabad: Fees of most of the engineering colleges in Hyderabad have crossed Rs. 75, 000 per annum.

Out of 176 engineering colleges located in Telangana State, the fees of over 50 colleges, most of them located in Hyderabad, reached nearly one lakh per annum.

In around 120 engineering colleges located in and around Hyderabad, the fees jumped to Rs. 75, 000 per annum.

Engineering colleges in Hyderabad, other districts to collect hiked fees

Recently, engineering colleges located in Hyderabad and other districts of Telangana have decided to collect hiked fees as management got relief from the high court after Telangana Admission and Fee Regulatory Committee (TAFRC) failed to issue a notification on the fee structure.

Though, while allowing colleges to collect the hiked fee the court made it clear that managements have to adhere to the fee structure that will be notified by TAFRC. However, till now, no notification has been issued by the fee regulator.

The fee regulator recently send notices to a few engineering colleges over discrepancies in their accounts. Managements of some of the colleges are yet to appear before the committee.

What do students, managements say?

The decision of engineering colleges will deprive many meritorious students who belong to poor or middle-class families of quality education.

As per the fee reimbursement scheme in Telangana, students whose ranks are less than 10000 in TS EAMCET get a 100 percent fee from the state government.

However, students whose rank is 10000 and above in the entrance test get Rs. 35,000 only irrespective of the fees of the engineering colleges in Telangana. In such cases, students will be left with no option but to take admission to non-reputed colleges despite securing good ranks in the entrance.

On the other hand, justifying their decision to hike the fees, the managements of engineering colleges in Hyderabad say that the hiked fee is in the minimum and maximum fees fixed by AICTE.

They also say that the hike was needed as, despite the rise in the salaries of teaching and non-teaching staff in the colleges, the fees were not hiked earlier.