Fees for engineering seats fixed at Rs 35,000

Thiruvananthapuram, June 27: The Self-Financing Engineering College Managements Association has decided to fix the annual fee at Rs.35,000.

The Association representatives decided to fix the fees at Rs.35,000 following talks with Education Minister M.A.Baby over phone on Friday night. The Association was demanding a fee of Rs.40,000 earlier.

The announcement of the schedule for centralised allotment process is being delayed owing to the dilemma in finalising the fee structure.

The number of seats in each category to be admitted could become certain only after such a consensus is evolved.

The Self-Financing Medical College Managements are now pressing for a multi-tier fee structure in merit quota.

As per their new demand, candidates admitted to the merit quota from BPL families will have to pay only Rs.25,000 as fees.

The fee for those with annual income less than Rs 2.5 lakh will be Rs.50,000 and for those above Rs 2.5 lakh is Rs 1.5 lakh.
