I feel like I have two personalities: Ansel Elgort

London: Actor Ansel Elgort says he believes he has a dual personality.

The “Fault In Our Stars” actor says he sees his professional life and regular life as different and prefers to “blend in” when he is off work, reported Femalefirst.

“My work life and my regular life are very different – I feel like it’s two personalities. There’s actor Ansel, where I have to play a role and be ‘on’. I take photos with everybody who asks, and I try to be professional.

“But when I’m real-life Ansel, I’m not on all the time. If I’m riding the subway with my father I might not want to take a picture. When I’m home in New York, I feel like that same kid that went to high school here and nobody knew. I can still blend in, which is nice. You can’t lose that, you know?,” Elgort, 23, says.