Hyderabad: Former Prime Minister H.D. Deve Gowda had called on Telangana Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao on Sunday, 1st July. The Janata Dal-Secular leader, who was on a private visit to Hyderabad, met the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) Chief at the latter’s camp office in Begumpet. The Chief Minister’s Office described it as a courtesy call. The two leaders are understood to have discussed latest political developments and the progress in floating a Federal Front.
After this meeting, there are talks, Is Deve Gowda getting ready to be Prime Ministerial Candidate of Federal Front?
According to the report published in Sunday Guardian Live, Mr. Gowda is actively engaging in negotiations for future Federal Front Government.
He believes that there are chances of all non-BJP and non-Congress parties joining hand to form the government at the Center. He thinks that the current political atmosphere is similar to that of 1996.
It is also reported that Mr. Gowda who was happy as his son, Kumaraswamy had become CM of Karnataka had said to KCR that people of Karnataka wanted a change.
It may be noted that Mr. Gowda was the 11th Prime Minister of India from June 1996 to April 1997.
Gowda said that if BJP fails to form the government in Center, Congress might try to claim PM post. He suggested regional parties to oppose such move. Mr. KCR had agreed to this suggestion, Sunday Guardian Live reported.
Talking about the Karnataka Government, Mr. Gowda said that he and his son would distance themselves from Congress if it creates hurdles to the State Government.
Mr. Gowda further said that he is in contact with other regional leaders like Mayawati, Sharad Pawar and Mamata Banerjee and Chandrababu Naidu and the Left parties.
Although he did not disclose that he is willing to be Prime Ministerial Candidate, his active involvement in politics and frequent talks with regional leaders raises the question, Is he getting ready to be Prime Ministerial candidate of Federal Front?
It may be noted that the TRS President had met Deve Gowda in April to discuss his proposed front at the national level. The Telangana Chief Minister has mooted the idea of the Federal Front as an alternative to both the Bharatiya Janata Party and the Congress to bring a qualitative change in the country’s politics.
Meanwhile, there is also speculation that the next general elections might be held in the month of November or December this year.