New Delhi: Pakistani Actor, Fawad Khan has done an intimate photo shoot with his wife, Sadaf Khan. These intimate scenes of Fawad Khan and Sadaf Khan which appeared in a magazine are not creating a pleasant effect on the minds of members of the society.
According to the report published in Indian Express, these photographs appeared in the May issue of Masala Magazine. Later, these photographs went viral on Instagram.
We are in love with this couple #FawadKhan & #SadafFawadKhan @_fawadakhan_ @FawadSadaf
— Fawad Khan FC (@TeamFawadAKhan) May 2, 2017
It is also reported that Sadaf has always been accompanying her husband at every event. She used to support her husband from behind the curtains. However, this time, she did an intimate photo shoot with her husband.