Fasting in Islam

In the name of Allah, the All Compassionate, the Merciful. May the peace of Almighty Allah (SWT) be on our noble Prophet and Leader, Muhammad bin Abdullah (SAW) his companions and to his household together with those who follow his noble foot path till the day of judgement (Amen).

May the peace of Almighty Allah (SWT) be on all readers of this piece. Our focus in this piece is on fasting in Islam: A 29/30 days refresher course.

However, we all know that the prominent fasting for Muslims is Ramadan but beside it, there is another one which happens to come up in the seventh month of the lunar calendar, simply known as Rajab.

And during this Rajab fasting, devoted Muslims submit themselves totally to the Creator of the universe, they use this period to prepare for the Ramadan fasting, which is obligatory and universally observed irrespective of their ages. A month is in-between Rajab and Ramadan. Fasting is described as a spiritual institution in Islam wherein Muslims learn how to be spiritually upright.

The holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was reported to have said that, “the month of Rajab is my month, while the month of Shaaban is for Almighty Allah (SWT) and Ramadan is for my (Ummah), followers.” May the peace of Almighty Allah (SWT) continue to shower upon this our beloved messenger of peace.

Though, there is no any hadith (tradition) of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) which recommended that the month of Rajab is a month specially set aside for certain group of people to observe fasting but there is nothing bad to upgrade oneself spiritually through fasting and regular prayer.

Medically, it is nice to fast once in a while because you feel healthy always. That is why the holy Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said in one hadith that, “Fast to be healthy.” That is why Almighty Allah’s (SWT) messenger recommended every 13th, 14th and 15th days of every lunar month as fasting days. He equally recommended Mondays and Thursdays for Muslims to engage in spiritual exercise of fasting. The more you fast, the more you become good companion of our Creator.

Almighty Allah (SWT) says in one divine (hadith) tradition that, “Fasting is for Me.” Besides, fasting is a training ground where man is taught how to be above that life which resolves only round the physical appetites and sensual pleasure. He is also taught to be the master of his desires instead of being their slave and thus to be able to order his life in the service and obedience of Almighty Allah (SWT) with the sole aim of seeking His pleasure and none else.

I would rather like to advise those that miss a number of their last year Ramadan fasting to use this period of Rajab to pay them back before the arrival of the month of Rahmah (mercy) and Moghfirah (forgiveness).

May the Almighty Allah (SWT) accept all our Ibadah (acts of worship) from us and allow us to witness so many Rajab and Ramadan with good health (Amin). Ma’asalam.
