Hyderabad: Welcoming the decision taken by Chief Minister of Telangana K Chandrasekhar Rao to constitute Backward Classes Commission to look into reservation pattern for the backward communities in the state and to approve the 12 per cent quota for Muslims, TRS MLC Mr. Mohammed Farooq Husain said that Siasat’s movement for reservation has borne fruits. Mr. Farooq Husain said TRS had promised 12 pc reservations to Muslims in its election manifesto. Sudhir Commission was formed to assess Muslims’ educational economic and social backwardness. It was announced to set up BC Commission after Sudhir Commission report is received. The decision is being welcomed by all Muslims and Muslims have a lot of hope from TRS government.
Describing Siasat’s reservation movement as remarkable, he said, the movement launched by Siasat editor Mr. Zahed Ali Khan and spearheaded by his son Mr. Amer Ali Khan, news editor Siasat, has borne fruits. Mr. Amer Ali Khan visited every district and mandal and created awareness among Muslims. Keeping the movement apolitical, he assembled leaders of all parties on a common platform and mounted pressure on government to set up BC commission. He also submitted a memorandum to Chief Minister on the occasion of Iftar Party held at Nizam College ground. Several ministers including Harish Rao, KTR, TRS MP Mrs. Kavita also expressed positive response on the movement run by Siasat and promised to constitute BC Commission after the report of Sudhir Commission is received. He thanked Siasat editor Mr. Zahed Ali Khan and all Muslims for running a successful campaign.
Siasat news